Williamston Daily is a new daily newspaper. When they first started printing three years ago they

had 5700 home delivery subscribers. The number of subscribers increases by 67 every month. Write
an equation that shows the relationship between the number of subscribers, B, and the number of
months the paper has been printed, n.

n=0, B=5700

n=1, B=5700+1*67
n=2, B=5700+2*67
n=3, B=5700+3*67
Get the idea?

To write an equation that shows the relationship between the number of subscribers (B) and the number of months the paper has been printed (n), we need to take into account the initial number of subscribers and the monthly increase.

Given that the newspaper had 5700 home delivery subscribers when it first started printing, we can consider this as the starting point or initial value. Additionally, the number of subscribers increases by 67 every month, indicating a constant rate of growth.

Therefore, the equation can be represented as follows:

B = 5700 + 67n

In this equation, the initial value of 5700 represents the starting point of the subscribers, and 67n refers to the additional subscribers gained every month. By substituting the appropriate values for 'n', you can calculate the number of subscribers for any given number of months.