What is the structure of Nikki Giovanni's 'Kidnap Poem'?


No..that didn't help me answer my question


The structure of a poem includes such items as rhyme, no rhyme, rhythm, number of lines, etc.

What does your text say about structure of poetry?

I can't find anything in my textbook about it..


To understand the structure of Nikki Giovanni's 'Kidnap Poem,' we will go through the following steps:

1. Read the poem: The first step is to read the poem 'Kidnap Poem' by Nikki Giovanni. This will help us familiarize ourselves with the content and themes of the poem.

2. Analyze the stanza arrangement: Look at how the poem is divided into stanzas. Count the number of stanzas and note any patterns or changes in the stanza structure. For example, you might see that the poem consists of multiple stanzas with varying numbers of lines.

3. Identify the rhyme and meter: Examine the poem for any rhyme scheme or recurring patterns in the sounds of words. Note if the poem follows a specific meter (such as iambic pentameter) or if it is written in free verse without a defined pattern.

4. Look for thematic and structural elements: Analyze the content of the poem to identify key themes, ideas, or images that are repeated or emphasized throughout. Also, consider if there are any structural elements, such as parallelism or repetition, that contribute to the overall structure and meaning of the poem.

5. Consider the title: Reflect on how the title of the poem, 'Kidnap Poem,' relates to its structure. Does the structure of the poem mirror or evoke the concept of kidnapping in any way?

By following these steps, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the structure of Nikki Giovanni's 'Kidnap Poem' and its connection to the overall meaning of the poem.