Describe two advertisements (print, radio, or television) that have had a great effect on you. Be sure to discuss how you think the advertisers were able to influence you. What methods did they use that caught your attention?

can someone please show me some examples?

Y91, for pete's sake, It says "have had a great effect on YOU" " How they influenced YOU".... "caught YOUR attention".....

That is something we have no way of knowing. When YOU have written, repost and we will be happy to comment.

the advertisements on cereal boxes... t.v. advertisements about losing weight

do these count?

Are they in print? Are they on Television?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or preferences, but I can provide you with a couple of examples of advertisements that have had a great impact on people in general. Please keep in mind that the effectiveness of advertisements can vary depending on individual preferences and experiences.

1. Apple's "1984" Commercial: This iconic TV advertisement aired during the 1984 Super Bowl and is considered a milestone in advertising history. The ad featured a dystopian setting inspired by George Orwell's novel "1984." It portrayed a mind-controlled society and introduced Apple's Macintosh computer as a revolutionary, liberating alternative. The advertisement used strong visual and emotional imagery to create a sense of rebellion and excitement. By positioning their product as a symbol of freedom and individuality, Apple successfully influenced viewers to associate the Macintosh computer with a groundbreaking technological advancement.

2. Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" Campaign: This print and television campaign involved personalized labels on Coca-Cola bottles and cans, featuring popular names and phrases like "Share a Coke with [Name]." The campaign aimed to create a sense of personal connection and encourage people to share their Coke with friends and family. By leveraging the power of personalization, Coca-Cola created an emotional connection with consumers, leading to a positive association with their brand. The campaign used social media, traditional advertising, and grassroots marketing tactics to engage consumers and encourage them to search for their personalized bottles or share their experience online.

These examples show how effective advertising can utilize various strategies to capture attention and influence consumers. Key methods used in these advertisements include:

1. Storytelling: Both Apple's "1984" commercial and Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign utilized storytelling techniques to create a narrative and evoke emotions. Stories can engage audiences on an emotional level, making the message more memorable.

2. Visual and Emotional Appeal: Visual imagery and emotional content play a crucial role in advertisements. Companies strive to elicit specific emotions in their target audience, as emotions can trigger a desired response or build a connection with the brand.

3. Unique Selling Proposition: Effectively communicating the unique selling points or benefits of a product or service can influence consumers. In Apple's case, positioning the Macintosh computer as a symbol of freedom and individuality differentiated it from other competitors in the market.

4. Personalization and Interactivity: In Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign, the customized labels created a sense of personal connection between the consumer and the product. This interactivity can enhance engagement and encourage people to take action.

It's worth noting that these examples are just scratching the surface, and there are countless other advertisements that have had a significant impact on people due to their creativity, relatability, and ability to resonate with their target audience.