what does it mean on the instructions if it says "Use a ten-frame and O to make a ten. Find the sum."

To understand what it means to "Use a ten-frame and O to make a ten" and "Find the sum," let's break it down:

1. Use a ten-frame: A ten-frame is a visual tool commonly used in early math education. It consists of a rectangular frame with two rows, each containing five boxes. The purpose of a ten-frame is to help children understand basic number concepts and build number sense.

2. Use an 'O' to make a ten: In the context of a ten-frame, the letter 'O' often represents a counter or object that is placed inside one of the boxes on the frame. By using the 'O', you are asked to fill the boxes on the ten-frame to represent the number ten.

3. Find the sum: Once you have represented the number ten using the ten-frame and the 'O', you need to find the sum. In math, the sum refers to the result of adding two or more numbers together.

To complete the task, follow these steps:

Step 1: Take a ten-frame and draw or use a template with the two rows of five boxes each.

Step 2: Place an 'O' or a counter in one or more of the boxes on the ten-frame, ensuring that the total number of objects is equal to ten.

Step 3: Determine the amount and locations of the 'O' in the ten-frame to represent ten accurately.

Step 4: Once you have arranged the 'O' in the ten-frame, count the total number of objects in the boxes to find the sum.

For example, if you put six 'O's in the top row and four 'O's in the bottom row, you have represented ten, and the sum would be ten.

By following these instructions, you can use a ten-frame and 'O' to make a ten and find the sum.