could you check this also

Directions: Use a graphic organizer that shows the order in which you do your morning routine. All activities should be in the infinitive form. For example, the first activity would be "se reveiller" because you wake up before you do anything else. You should include at least 8 infinitives, 6 of which must ve reflexive verbs.

se reveiller
se lever
se laver
prendre le petit déjeuner
se lave les dents
s' habiller
se brosser les cheveux
se maquiller
se dépêcher

Don't forget the required accent marks:

se réveiller BUT I'm surprised it wouldn't be "me réveiller" for YOUR schedule? OR, perhaps you haven't really studied Reflexive Verbs yet?

check the infinitive ending = se laver les dents

Good = you went one better, for you have 9!

Sra (aka Mme)