
the answer i got was: xcos(t)/(5sin(t)+8)^2 this is not right when i put it in what did i do wrong?

Is this supposed to make sense to me?

in what way can i clarify the question?

What is the question?

sorry the question was asking to integrate cos(t)/(5sin(t)+8)^2.



To help you understand where you might have made a mistake, let's break down the expression step by step.

1. You started with the expression: cos(t)/(5sin(t)+8)^2

2. To simplify this expression, you first need to determine if there are any common factors that can be factored out. In this case, since there are no common factors between the numerator (cos(t)) and the denominator ((5sin(t)+8)^2), you cannot simplify it further by factoring any common terms.

3. Therefore, the expression remains as: cos(t)/(5sin(t)+8)^2

Based on your statement, it seems like you attempted to multiply the expression by another term, 'x'. However, this is not a correct step in simplifying the given expression.

To resolve the issue, you should check carefully to ensure that you are following the correct simplification steps and not introducing any additional terms or operations. If you have any specific instructions or requirements related to the problem, please provide them so that I can better assist you.