what are the ten building blocks for total health

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To determine the ten building blocks for total health, we need to refer to a recognized health framework. One such framework is the World Health Organization's (WHO) definition of health, which emphasizes physical, mental, and social well-being. Based on this definition, here are ten essential building blocks for total health:

1. Nutritious Diet: A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is essential for physical health.

2. Regular Physical Activity: Engaging in regular exercise or physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles, and enhances overall well-being.

3. Adequate Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for physical and mental health. It helps with cognitive function, emotional well-being, and proper physical recovery.

4. Stress Management: Employing stress management techniques, such as relaxation exercises, meditation, or mindfulness, can reduce the negative impact of stress on both mental and physical health.

5. Strong Social Connections: Nurturing meaningful relationships with family, friends, and communities promotes social support, reduces loneliness, and contributes to overall happiness.

6. Mental Health Care: Paying attention to mental health, seeking professional help if needed, and practicing self-care strategies are vital for achieving total health.

7. Good Hygiene: Regularly practicing good hygiene habits, including handwashing, oral care, and proper sanitation, helps prevent the spread of diseases and improves overall health.

8. Prevention and Treatment of Illness: Staying up to date with vaccinations, undergoing regular health screenings, and promptly seeking medical care when needed contribute to disease prevention and early treatment.

9. Tobacco and Substance Abuse Control: Avoiding or quitting smoking and minimizing the use of harmful substances like drugs and excessive alcohol helps maintain optimal health.

10. Environmental Awareness: Being mindful of environmental factors that can impact health, such as pollution, access to clean water, and safe living conditions, is essential for total health.

Please note that these building blocks for total health are intended as general guidelines, and individual needs may vary. It is always recommended to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice on maintaining optimal health.