How do you make 'cheveux' feminine?

What is cheveux in female gender

That's right

To make the word "cheveux" (hair) feminine in French, you need to change it to its singular form, which is "cheveu." In French, nouns have masculine or feminine forms. Here's how you can determine the feminine form of a noun:

1. Identify the masculine form of the noun: In this case, the masculine form is "cheveu" (singular for hair).

2. Determine the noun's gender: Most nouns ending in "-e" or "-ion" are feminine in French, while those ending in consonants are usually masculine. In the case of "cheveu," it ends in a vowel sound (u), which suggests that it could be masculine.

3. Find the feminine form: To make the noun feminine, drop the "-u" sound and replace it with "-x." Thus, the feminine form of "cheveu" is "cheveux."

It is worth noting that while "cheveux" is the feminine form of "cheveu," it may seem counterintuitive since it uses the same orthography as the masculine plural form of the word. French grammar often contains unique exceptions like this, so it's important to familiarize yourself with the specific gender rules for different nouns.

The word for "hair" is "le cheveu" and it is masculine, like it or not! So, the pural "les cheveux" will still be mascu line! Once you learn the gender (masculine or feminine) of a noun, it will always be that gender.

Sra (aka Mme)