how can i finish my homework if there is know one to help me! >:(

Sorry. Our Spanish volunteer is not online just now.

Whoa, Molly! Be patient, child!

You posted your Spanish question just 6 minutes before you posted this question. This site is staffed with volunteer teachers, not robots. We help students when we can.

Also -- you're not likely to get the answers to your Spanish questions. We HELP students; we do not do homework.

Please try to translate those sentences yourself and repost. I'm sure that someone will be glad to comment on your answers within the next several hours -- or at least by tomorrow morning.

I understand that it can be frustrating when you don't have someone available to help you with your homework. However, there are still ways to complete your assignments successfully. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Start by organizing your tasks: Make a list of all the homework assignments you have and prioritize them based on their due dates or level of difficulty.

2. Break down the assignments: Break down each task into smaller, manageable parts. This will help you focus on one aspect at a time and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

3. Use online resources: Explore online platforms, websites, or educational resources related to your subjects. Many websites offer explanations, examples, and practice exercises that can help you understand and solve problems.

4. Read textbooks or notes: Review your textbooks and class notes to refresh your memory on the topics you're studying. Pay attention to any examples or explanations provided in the material.

5. Search for video tutorials: Online platforms like YouTube have numerous video tutorials on various topics. Watching a video can help you grasp complex concepts and learn different problem-solving strategies.

6. Utilize interactive learning tools: Look for interactive learning tools or software that provide step-by-step guidance or allow you to practice and check your answers.

7. Join online study groups or forums: Seek out study groups or online forums where students are discussing similar topics or assignments. It can be helpful to share your questions or difficulties with others who may be able to provide assistance remotely.

8. Communicate with your teacher: If you have specific questions or need clarification, reach out to your teacher via email or any online platform provided by your school. They may be able to guide you through the assignment or provide additional resources.

Remember, while it may feel challenging to work on your homework alone, there are numerous resources available to support your learning. Stay motivated, manage your time effectively, and reach out for help whenever needed.