Large fish swim (swiftly)in the sea

Verb noun adjective adverb im am really confused

Verbs show action. Does "swiftly" show action?

Hint: What kind of word often ends in -ly?

that would be an adverb

See the previous post -- and then let us know what you think. Don't just guess! Read through the definitions and examples of the different parts of speech and choose based on knowledge.


Now go back and re-think "years."

I can understand how the different parts of speech can sometimes be confusing. Let me break down the sentence for you:

"Large fish swim swiftly in the sea."

- Verb: "swim" is the action verb in this sentence because it describes what the subject (large fish) is doing.
- Noun: "fish" is a noun because it is the subject of the sentence.
- Adjective: "large" is an adjective because it describes the size of the fish.
- Adverb: "swiftly" is an adverb because it describes how the fish swim, adding more detail to the verb "swim."

In order to identify the parts of speech, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main verb, which is the action the subject is doing.
2. Identify the subject, which is the noun or pronoun that the verb is acting upon.
3. Identify any adjectives, which describe the noun or pronoun.
4. Identify any adverbs, which describe the verb, adjective, or other adverb.

By analyzing each word in the sentence, you can determine its part of speech.

i have re read my notes and from what i read i belive that the answer would be a verb