How many grams of water (H_2O) have the same number of oxygen atoms as 1.0 (mol} of oxygen gas?

atomic mass of H is 1 and O is 16,
so H2O has a molar mass of 18.
Oxygen gas is O2, with a molar mass of 32. So 1.0 mole of oxygen gas has 6.02x10^23 molecules = 12.04x10^23 oxygen atoms. how do i go further?

No, you are given a mole of oxygen atoms, not oxygen gas. One mole of oxygen atoms O makes 1/2 mole of O2

H2O means two H atoms for each O atom. So if you have a mole of O, you must have two moles of H.
You then have one mole of H2O

mass= mass H2 + mass O= 2+16=18

well my prof. provided me with this info..

we are students who are struggling. we are not here to get answers but we need help step by step. everybody is not same

To determine how many grams of water have the same number of oxygen atoms as 1.0 mole of oxygen gas, you can use the concept of molar ratio.

First, find the molar ratio of oxygen atoms in water to oxygen gas by comparing the number of oxygen atoms in each molecule.

In 1 molecule of water (H2O), there is 1 oxygen atom.
In 1 molecule of oxygen gas (O2), there are 2 oxygen atoms.

So, the molar ratio of oxygen atoms is:
(1 oxygen atom in H2O) / (2 oxygen atoms in O2)

Next, use the molar mass of water and the molar mass of oxygen gas to convert from moles to grams.

The molar mass of water (H2O) is 18 grams/mol, and the molar mass of oxygen gas (O2) is 32 grams/mol.

Now, set up the equation and solve for the number of grams of water:

(1.0 mol O2) * [(1 oxygen atom in H2O) / (2 oxygen atoms in O2)] * (18 g/mol H2O) = grams of water

Plugging in the values:

(1.0) * (1/2) * (18) = 9 grams of water

Therefore, 9 grams of water have the same number of oxygen atoms as 1.0 mole of oxygen gas.