I need some help identifying the elements and principles of art used in these works:

Madonna and Child Within an Arch ~ Follower of Donatello. (Gilt bronze, National Gallery of Art,Washington, D.C.)

Madonna and Child ~ Andrea della Robbia. (Glazed terra-cotta, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York.)

I would have posted links to the pictures but I'm not allowed to.. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.

Check these sites:



Thank you, but I already used Google and it didn't really help much..

Deliverable Length: 4-6 pages

Details: Using the project you created in Unit 1 Individual Assignment, put together a proposal for the customer that includes the following:

Briefly describe the first five points of the Project Scope Checklist in relation to your project:

1.What are the project objectives?
2.List the deliverables.
3.Identify the milestones of the project.
4.List the technical requirements.
5.What are the limits and exclusions?

Be sure to complete the following items:

•Identify the Project Priorities.
•Create a Work Breakdown Structure.
•Create a Responsibility Matrix.

To identify the elements and principles of art used in the mentioned artworks, we will need to analyze their visual elements and examine how they are organized. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do that:

1. Search for images of the artworks online: You can use a search engine to find images of "Madonna and Child Within an Arch" by the follower of Donatello and "Madonna and Child" by Andrea della Robbia. This will help you visualize the artworks as we discuss their elements and principles.

2. Elements of art: The elements of art are the basic visual components that artists use to create their works. They include line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space. Look closely at the artworks and identify how each element is used:

- Line: Examine the types of lines used in each artwork. Are they curved, straight, or a combination of both? Are they thick or thin?
- Shape and Form: Look at the overall shapes in the artworks. Are they geometric or organic? Do they have three-dimensional forms or are they flat?
- Color: Observe the colors used in the artworks. Are they vibrant or muted? Are there contrasting or complementary colors?
- Value: Notice the range of lightness and darkness in each artwork. Are there strong contrasts or subtle gradations?
- Texture: Consider the textures depicted in the artworks. Are they smooth, rough, or somewhere in between?
- Space: Analyze how space is used in the artworks. Is the composition crowded or open? Is there a sense of depth or flatness?

3. Principles of art: The principles of art are the guidelines that artists follow to organize the elements in their artworks. They include balance, unity, emphasis, rhythm, contrast, proportion, and movement. Look for these principles in the artworks:

- Balance: Identify if there is symmetrical or asymmetrical balance in the compositions.
- Unity: Notice how the elements work together and create a sense of harmony.
- Emphasis: Identify what elements or areas draw your attention the most and why.
- Rhythm: Observe if there is repetition or patterns that create a sense of movement.
- Contrast: Look for contrasting elements, such as light and dark, or smooth and textured.
- Proportion: Notice the relative sizes and relationships between the elements.
- Movement: Observe if there is a sense of movement or flow in the artworks.

By following these steps and analyzing the visual elements and organizational principles, you should be able to identify the elements and principles of art used in the mentioned artworks.