How to find a number sentence other than 10989 x 9 = 98901 that is the same when you read its digits from either direction

To find a number sentence in which the digits are the same when read from either direction, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by thinking about the number of digits in the number you are looking for. We want a number sentence with digits that can be read forward and backward, so we need a number with an odd number of digits.

2. Let's consider a 3-digit number as an example. We want to find a number sentence where the digits can be read both forward and backward, so the first and last digits need to be the same.

3. Start by trying different combinations of digits for the first and last positions. For example, you could try 1 as the first and last digit, so we have _ _ 1. Let's call the middle digit x for now.

4. Now, write the number sentence using the digits you have so far. In this case, it would be _ _ 1 x 1 = _ _ _.

5. Continue by multiplying the first and last digits and fill them in the appropriate positions. In this example, it would be 1 x 1 = 1.

6. Now, you need to find the value of the middle digit (x) in order to complete the number sentence. You can try different values for x and see if they work. Keep in mind that x can be any digit from 0 to 9.

7. If you find a value for x that satisfies the condition, where the number sentence can be read forward and backward, then you have found your answer. If not, try different combinations of digits for the first and last positions.

By following these steps, you can find a number sentence other than 10989 x 9 = 98901 that can be read the same way from either direction.