atthew interviews the director of computing services to get information for the company newsletter. What part of the writing process does this activity represent?


Isn't he planning to write an article?

He's planning. Because he's not writing it yet. Revising comes after he writes it, and so does editing.

The activity of Matthew interviewing the director of computing services to gather information for the company newsletter represents the planning phase of the writing process.

The writing process typically involves several stages, and planning is the first step. In this phase, the writer identifies the purpose and audience of the document, determines the key points to be covered, and gathers necessary information. By conducting the interview with the director of computing services, Matthew is obtaining the necessary information to write an article for the newsletter. This step is crucial as it helps in organizing and structuring the content effectively while ensuring that it aligns with the goals of the newsletter and meets the needs of the intended readership.

After the planning phase, the subsequent steps in the writing process involve drafting the content (writing), reviewing and improving it (editing and revising), and finally preparing it for publication.