lcm of two #s is 60. one of the #s is 20. other # is even & has only two prime factors. what is the other number? & how did u get the answer?

To find the other number, we need to use the concept of the least common multiple (LCM). The LCM is the smallest multiple that two or more numbers have in common. Given that the LCM of the two numbers is 60 and one of the numbers is 20, we can find the other number by dividing the LCM by the given number.

Step 1: Subtract the number you have from the LCM.
60 - 20 = 40

Step 2: Since the other number is even and has only two prime factors, we need to find a number that satisfies these conditions and divides evenly into 40. By prime factorizing 40, we find that its prime factors are 2, 2, 2, and 5.

Step 3: Forming pairs with the prime factors, we can see that the only combination that fulfills the condition is (2 × 2 × 5) = 20.

Therefore, the other number is 20.