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Synonym for these words: approved,
apologizing, spoken, wondered.

I can choose from these words
Sloped, Referred, Reviving, Stifling, Orbiting, Regretting, Glimmering, Marveled, Credited, Accused, sipped, labored, unraveling, confiding, encouraged,patrolling,uttered, hovered.

Which of the words ending in -ing do you think means about the same as "apologizing?"

Which of the words ending in -ed mean about the same as "spoken" and "wondered?"

You may need to look up some of these in a dictionary.

We'll be glad to check your answers.

is wondered marveled?

is apologizing encourage?

wondered is marveled

But the synonym for apologizing should end in -ing.

To find synonyms for the words "approved," "apologizing," "spoken," and "wondered," you can use a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a useful tool for finding synonyms, which are words that have similar or related meanings.

If you have access to the internet, you can search for an online thesaurus on a search engine. Type in the words you want to find synonyms for, like "approved synonym," "apologizing synonym," "spoken synonym," and "wondered synonym," and you will be provided with a list of synonyms for each word.

If you prefer using a physical book, you can check a printed thesaurus, which is a reference book that lists words and their synonyms. Look for the entries for "approved," "apologizing," "spoken," and "wondered" and find the corresponding synonyms listed.

Using either method, you can then select the appropriate synonyms from your given words: "approved" can be synonymous with "credited," "apologizing" with "regretting," "spoken" with "uttered," and "wondered" with "marveled."