Why aren't monks allowed to marry?

Are priests allowed to marry?


In the Roman Catholic church neither monks nor priests can marry. Both have taken vows devoting themselves to God. The Church believes that a wife will detract from this duty.

By the way, Greek Orthodox and Anglican priests can marry.

OK, I was just wondering because i read this in my book and i was confused...thanks


The rules regarding marriage vary among different religious traditions and denominations. In some religious orders, such as certain branches of Buddhism and Catholicism, monks take a vow of celibacy and are therefore not allowed to marry. This is because these traditions believe that celibacy allows individuals to focus their energy and attention entirely on their religious pursuits and spiritual development.

On the other hand, within the Catholic Church, diocesan priests (those who are under the authority of a bishop and serve in parishes) are typically required to take a vow of celibacy and remain unmarried. However, there are exceptions to this rule. In some cases, married individuals who have already been ordained as ministers in other Christian traditions, such as Anglicanism, may be allowed to become Catholic priests.

It's important to note that these rules can differ within other religious traditions or denominations. For example, in some branches of Christianity, including Eastern Orthodoxy, priests are allowed to marry before their ordination but must remain celibate if they choose to become bishops. The rules regarding marriage for clergy members may also change over time as religious traditions evolve and adapt to the changing cultural and societal norms.