After establishment of your child care center, equipment and supplies will comprise what percentage of your annual operating budget?

A .5% to 1.5%
B 1.5% to 3%
C 3% to 5.5%
D 5.5% to 7%

The correct answer is C

"equipment and supplies" is too vague to answer here. What equipment and what supplies?

It is also very vague because it does not describe the type of child care center this is. For example, a regular child care center will cost much more to run, after the initial costs are paid off, in terms of equipment and supplies than a Montessori child care center.

Given the estimates, I would say they want you to answer between .5% and 7%, depending on what they mean by "equipment and supplies" and what type of child care center you are running.

In other words, WHO KNOWS?!?!?1

#. additional space for children could provide in classoom 3 with the additional of

A. a closet
B. counters and storage underneath
D. a loft

The answer is B

To determine the correct answer, you need to calculate the percentage of the annual operating budget that equipment and supplies comprise after establishing a child care center.

First, determine the range of percentages for each option:
Option A: .5% to 1.5%
Option B: 1.5% to 3%
Option C: 3% to 5.5%
Option D: 5.5% to 7%

Next, compare the calculated percentage with the given range for each option. Take note that the percentage should fall within the specified range to be considered correct.

In this case, the correct answer is C (3% to 5.5%) since the calculated percentage for equipment and supplies falls within this range.