how can longterm and short term memory similar?/ compared

I will be happy to critique your thinking on this.

so far i hast STM can contain infro fro LTM to work on

STM enters LTM
Both store memory.
what else?

My mother can remember her childhood and adolescence in incredible detail, but cannot remember whether she ate lunch today or not.

Why is this happening?

because its in her long term memory?

Long-term memory and short-term memory are both essential components of our memory system that play distinct roles in the process of storing and retrieving information. Here's how they are similar and can be compared:

1. Duration: One common similarity between long-term and short-term memory is that both involve the storage of information for later use. However, the duration of these two types of memory differs significantly. Short-term memory retains information for a brief period, typically up to about 30 seconds, unless it is actively rehearsed or transferred into long-term memory. On the other hand, long-term memory can last for an extended period, ranging from days to years, sometimes even a lifetime.

2. Capacity: Another similarity is the limited capacity of both short-term and long-term memory. Short-term memory has a smaller capacity, able to hold only a few pieces of information simultaneously (usually 5-9 items). In contrast, long-term memory has a virtually unlimited capacity, capable of storing an immense amount of information throughout a person's lifetime.

3. Encoding: Both short-term and long-term memory involve encoding, the process of converting sensory information into a form that can be effectively stored in memory. In short-term memory, encoding usually occurs through acoustic or auditory input (e.g., repeating information in your mind), while in long-term memory, encoding can occur through various methods, including visual, auditory, or semantic encoding (e.g., relating information to existing knowledge or experiences).

4. Retrieval: Retrieval is the process of accessing stored information when it is needed. Both short-term and long-term memory involve retrieval, but the differences lie in the ease and speed of retrieving information. Short-term memory allows for immediate retrieval, as the information is readily available in our conscious awareness. In contrast, long-term memory may involve more effortful retrieval, requiring the recall or recognition of information stored over a more extended period.

Overall, while short-term and long-term memory share some similarities in terms of their functions and processes, they also differ significantly in terms of duration, capacity, encoding, and retrieval. Understanding these similarities and differences helps to provide insights into the workings of our memory system.