I have to write a review of the short story The Rocking Horse Winner.

Is this good?

"A Boy With a Gift and Curse"
By Jon Blank

This is a story of a middle class English family that finds themselves in a situation that is far above what they can afford. A large home, a gardener, expensive furniture, the best clothes,
and jewelry but it isn't enough to satisfy them enough to stop wasting all of the income from Richards' job on the expected position that motivates them which makes it very difficult to
have much sympathy for the mother.
I find it very entertaining that D.H. Lawrence uses an inanimate object to symbolize a supernatural existance. He does so in a very sneaky way which I feel if you are a big fan of the
genre you will be begging for more.
The oldest child, Paul, bears witness to the misfortunes of his parents, but becomes determined to help his mother out of the dilemma that she ultimatley finds herself in, by being 'lucky.' During an afternoon walk with her, she has made an unknown, fatal decision to set in motion, a disturbing series of events that will culminate in tragedy, by the mere mention to Paul that his father is 'not lucky.' Determined to win the love and affection that is absent from the demeanor of his mother, the wheels begin to turn like gears grinding with outbursts and spurts before achieving their end result. I was never a huge fan of D.H. Lawrence but after I read this interesting tale I immediately fell in love with his writing style and the different themes he decides to incorporate into his work. I give this book an 8 out of 10 stars. You won't be disappointed.

All looks good except for this sentence:

"A large home, a gardener, expensive furniture, the best clothes, and jewelry but it isn't enough to satisfy them enough to stop wasting all of the income from Richards' job on the expected position that motivates them which makes it very difficult to have much sympathy for the mother."

You're trying to set up a compound sentence, but the words up until "but" do not make an independent clause. After "but" the construction is OK except for two relative clauses in succession.

My best suggestion is that you revise this so that there are two complete sentences and get rid of either "that" or "which."

And finally, in your revision, be sure to clarify this: "...the income from Richards' job on the expected position..." How can they waste something they don't have yet??

PS -- If the name is "Richards," then the apostrophe is fine; if the name is "Richard," then the apostrophe needs to be before the "s."

Your review provides a general summary of the short story, The Rocking Horse Winner, and shares your personal opinion about it. However, there are a few suggestions to consider for improvement:

1. Start with a concise introduction: Begin your review by briefly introducing the story and providing a hook to capture the reader's attention.

2. Provide a balanced opinion: While it is fine to mention that you were not a huge fan of D.H. Lawrence previously, it would be helpful to explain what aspects of this particular story made you appreciate his writing style and the themes he incorporated.

3. Support your assertions: When you mention that Lawrence uses an inanimate object to symbolize a supernatural existence, it would be beneficial to provide specific examples from the story to illustrate this point.

4. Focus on analyzing the story: Instead of summarizing events, consider delving deeper into the themes explored in The Rocking Horse Winner, such as the destructive pursuit of wealth and the consequences of neglectful parenting. Explain why you found these themes intriguing or thought-provoking.

5. Elaborate on your rating: Provide more specific reasons for giving the story 8 out of 10 stars. You could discuss memorable characters, plot twists, or any other elements that contributed to your overall enjoyment.

6. Offer a concise conclusion: Wrap up your review by summarizing your main points and reiterating your recommendation for others to read the story.

Taking these suggestions into account, your revised review might look like this:

Title: "A Compelling Exploration of Greed and Neglect"

The Rocking Horse Winner, written by D.H. Lawrence, is a thought-provoking short story that centers around a middle-class English family's desperate pursuit of wealth. In this review, I aim to highlight the intriguing themes and captivating writing style that make this story an engaging read.

Lawrence deftly employs an inanimate object, the rocking horse, as a symbol of supernatural existence. Through the clever integration of this motif, he skillfully captures the destructive consequences of the characters' relentless quest for material prosperity.

The story delves into themes such as the corrosive nature of greed and the detrimental effects of neglectful parenting. Lawrence explores these concepts with depth and nuance, forcing readers to confront uncomfortable truths about the human condition.

While I was not previously a fervent admirer of D.H. Lawrence's work, The Rocking Horse Winner instantly won me over with its masterful storytelling and thematic richness. The characters are compelling, and the plot twists keep readers engaged from start to finish.

Considering all these factors, I would rate The Rocking Horse Winner 8 out of 10 stars. The story's ability to provoke introspection and leave a lasting impact is commendable.

I highly recommend The Rocking Horse Winner to those seeking a captivating exploration of greed, parental negligence, and the repercussions of unchecked desires. D.H. Lawrence's skillful writing style and thought-provoking themes make this story a must-read for anyone looking for a meaningful literary experience.