What does an authoritarian system thrive on?

I was thinking about something like crisis (economic or social) etc that can help an authoritarian system implement their agenda. I need more definite words, though. Help?

An authoritarian system can thrive on any weakness in the country. Although, many Italians hated the dictator Mussolini, they did boast that at least "he made the trains run on time." This was seen as a major improvement over the previous time when the trains were notoriously undependable.


An authoritarian system thrives on certain key factors that help solidify and strengthen its grip on power. These factors include:

1. Control: Authoritarian regimes depend on maintaining strict control over all aspects of society, including political, social, and economic realms. They seek to limit individual freedoms, curtail opposition, and closely monitor and regulate the flow of information.

2. Fear and Intimidation: Maintaining an atmosphere of fear and intimidation is crucial for authoritarian systems. This can be achieved through tactics such as censorship, surveillance, and repression, which discourage dissent and discourage individuals from challenging the regime.

3. Propaganda and Manipulation: Authoritarian systems utilize propaganda, state-controlled media, and disinformation campaigns to shape public opinion and control the narrative. They mold information to suit their agenda and to suppress alternative viewpoints or criticisms.

4. Nationalism: Many authoritarian regimes use nationalism as a tool to rally support and strengthen their hold on power. They often exploit nationalistic sentiments to promote a sense of unity, demonize foreigners or minority groups, and justify their authoritarian measures in the name of national security or stability.

5. Crisis and Instability: Authoritarian systems can exploit crises, whether economic, social, or political, to consolidate their power. They may use emergency powers or implement drastic measures under the pretense of restoring order or protecting the nation's interests.

It's important to note that while these factors may contribute to the success of authoritarian systems, they are not exclusive to them. They can, in varying degrees, be seen in different types of governments, but are particularly accentuated in authoritarian regimes.