how many grams of CO will contain 4.10 x 10^12 molecules

To find the number of grams of CO that contain 4.10 x 10^12 molecules, we need to use the concept of molar mass and Avogadro's number.

1. Determine the molar mass of CO (carbon monoxide):
The molar mass of carbon (C) is 12.01 grams per mole, and the molar mass of oxygen (O) is 16.00 grams per mole. Add these values together to get the molar mass of CO:
Molar mass of CO = 12.01 g/mol + 16.00 g/mol = 28.01 g/mol

2. Find the number of moles of CO:
We can use Avogadro's number, which states that 1 mole of any substance contains 6.022 x 10^23 molecules. Divide the given number of molecules by Avogadro's number to find the number of moles of CO:
Moles of CO = (4.10 x 10^12 molecules) / (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol) = 6.805 x 10^-12 moles

3. Convert moles to grams:
Using the molar mass of CO, we can now convert moles to grams by multiplying the number of moles by the molar mass:
Grams of CO = (6.805 x 10^-12 moles) * (28.01 g/mol) = 1.902 x 10^-10 grams

Therefore, 4.10 x 10^12 molecules of CO will contain approximately 1.902 x 10^-10 grams of CO.