put this in an math expression you bake two baking sheets wit 12 scones each, two baking sheets with 20 cookies each, and one baking sheet with 2 scones and 10 cookies

(2*12) + (2*20) + 2 + 10 = total pastries

(2*12)+ 2 = number of scones

(2*20) + 10 = number of cookies

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To express the information in a math expression, we need to calculate the total number of scones and cookies baked.

Let's break down the given information:

- Two baking sheets with 12 scones each: 2 x 12 = 24 scones
- Two baking sheets with 20 cookies each: 2 x 20 = 40 cookies
- One baking sheet with 2 scones and 10 cookies: 2 + 10 = 12 scones

To find the total number of scones and cookies baked, we can add the quantities together:

Total scones = 24 scones + 12 scones = 36 scones
Total cookies = 40 cookies + 10 cookies = 50 cookies

Now, we can summarize the math expression as:
36 scones + 50 cookies