What is supervisor in French? Right now I am learning about professions, and this is the one I don't know



The French use several words in addition to surveillant (note spelling).

Thanks, Ms. Sue. I looked up the spelling, and I've seen it spelled it both ways

surveillant since i learn french as i was growing up and canadian.

Definitely "surveillant" but there are other words as well: i nspecteur or directeur

Sra (aka Mme)

P.S. If you saw it with one "l" you saw a typo.

To find the translation for "supervisor" in French, you can use an online translator or consult a French-English dictionary. Here's how you can do it:

1. Online Translator: Visit a reputable online translation website, such as Google Translate, DeepL, or Linguee.
- Go to the website and make sure it's set to translate from English to French.
- Type "supervisor" in the translation input box and press Enter or click the translate button.
- The translation will appear on the screen. In this case, the translation for "supervisor" in French is "superviseur."

2. French-English Dictionary: You can also use a French-English dictionary for more accurate translations.
- Look for a French-English dictionary either as a physical book or an online resource.
- Search for the word "supervisor" in the English section of the dictionary.
- Then, find the corresponding word in French. Again, it will be "superviseur."

Remember to always verify translations from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and comprehensibility.