How do we know what salt has the lowest molar solubility?

Do you have a list of choices?

To determine which salt has the lowest molar solubility, we can look at the solubility product constant (Ksp) values for different salts. The Ksp is an equilibrium constant that describes the equilibrium between a solid salt dissolving in water and its ions in a saturated solution.

Here's how you can determine the salt with the lowest molar solubility using Ksp values:

1. Look up the Ksp values for different salts: Each salt has a unique Ksp value that represents its solubility in water. You can find these values in reference books, online databases, or your chemistry textbook.

2. Compare the Ksp values: The Ksp value is a measure of the solubility of a salt. The lower the Ksp value, the less soluble the salt is.

3. Identify the salt with the lowest Ksp: Compare the Ksp values of different salts and identify the one with the lowest value. This salt will have the lowest molar solubility among the options given.

Keep in mind that temperature can also affect solubility. Some salts become more soluble at higher temperatures, while others become less soluble. So, make sure to consider the temperature conditions specified when comparing the Ksp values.

It's important to note that this is a general approach, and other factors such as pH, common ion effect, and complex formation should also be considered if they are relevant to the specific scenario or experimental conditions.