what are 2 examples of emjambment in the poem "vancouver-courtney-calgary" by george bowering

To find examples of enjambment in a poem, follow these steps:

1. Locate the poem: In this case, you're looking for "vancouver-courtney-calgary" by George Bowering.
2. Read the poem: Read the entire poem carefully to identify lines that continue the thought or idea to the next line without punctuation marks or pauses at the end of a line.
3. Spot the enjambment: Look for lines where the meaning continues from one line to the next without a break in thought or syntax.

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I don't have direct access to specific poems or copyrighted materials. Hence, I cannot provide you with examples from "vancouver-courtney-calgary" by George Bowering. However, I can give you a general idea of what enjambment looks like.

Enjambment is a literary technique where the poet deliberately ends a line of poetry before the natural pause or completion of a thought. This technique is used to create a flowing or uninterrupted effect in the poem, allowing emotions or ideas to spill over from one line to the next without interruption. It helps to maintain the rhythm and momentum of the poem.

Keep in mind that enjambment can appear anywhere in a poem, so it's essential to read the entire piece carefully to identify specific examples.