'Pick a special day of the year. Write down atleast two things that you might see, hear, taste, smell, or touch on that day. Try to find images that reveal what you feel at this moment, on this day. Now write a haiku about your special day.'

I reallyyy need help with this. I don't know what day to choose that I can write a haiku about, because haikus are really short. I've got the instructions of how to write a haiku though..please help!!


For heaven's sake, MC! How do we know which day of the year is special to you? You'll need to choose a day that have special meaning for YOU. You can't write an effective poem unless you have strong feelings about its subject.

Thanksgiving day would be a nice choice, I think.

But I didn't really do much on that day...the only special thing that happend this year was my sister's birth about 2 months ago...should I write about that?


The implication of the assignment is that you choose a special day that happens every year.

It could be a holiday or your birthday or the last or first day of school.

Last day of school has no point when you homeschool...

I'll just do my birthday. it's hard getting the syllables right though

Choosing a special day to write a haiku about can be a fun and creative exercise. To get started, think of a day that holds significance for you or a day that you find particularly inspiring. It could be a holiday, a personal milestone, or a day that represents something important to you.

To generate ideas for your haiku, consider what things you might see, hear, taste, smell, or touch on that day. For example, if you choose Christmas, you might see twinkling lights and decorated trees, hear carols and laughter, taste delicious food, smell the aroma of baked goods, and touch the softness of a warm blanket.

To find images that reveal what you feel on that special day, you can search for related images online or use your own photographs. Look for visuals that evoke the emotions and atmosphere of that day, capturing the essence of what you experience.

Once you have your images and ideas, you can begin crafting your haiku. Remember that a haiku consists of three lines, typically with a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. It often captures a moment in nature and creates imagery that evokes a particular feeling or mood.

For example, let's say you chose Valentine's Day. Here's an example of a haiku about that day:

Dancing hearts unite,
Whispers of love fill the air,
Embraced, we're complete.

In this haiku, the first line sets the scene, the second line adds an element of speech or sound, and the third line reflects the emotional sentiment of the day.

Feel free to experiment and make it your own. Remember, the most important part is to enjoy the process and let your creativity flow.