divide the rectangle by tens and ones for each factor. then completes the calculation. 22X11

~arrays and an expanded algorithm
does anyone know how to do this??


How do yo do Arrays and Expanded Algorithum

Ex 23
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To divide a rectangle by tens and ones for each factor, you can use an array model. Here's how you can apply it to the calculation 22 x 11:

Step 1: Draw a rectangle and divide it into two parts with a vertical line. Label the left section as tens and the right section as ones.

| |
| |
| |

Step 2: Fill in the array by allocating the appropriate number of units in each section. Since 22 can be divided into 20 (tens) and 2 (ones), distribute the units accordingly:

||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| |||
|| ||
|| ||

Step 3: Multiply the number of units in each section. In this case, there are 20 units in the tens section and 2 units in the ones section. Multiply them together:

20 x 2

Step 4: Calculate the product:

20 x 2 = 40

Therefore, 22 x 11 equals 40.

Using the array model helps visualize the multiplication process by breaking it down into tens and ones.