On the average your heart beats about 72 times per minute. At this rate, about how many times will it beat: a) in a 30-day month; b) in a year; c)in your lifetime, if you live to 72 years of age?

72 beats per min x (60 min/hr) x (24 hrs/day) x (30 days/month) = ?? beats/month.

The others are done similarly.


To answer these questions, we can calculate the number of times your heart will beat by multiplying the average heartbeats per minute by the duration in minutes for each scenario.

a) In a 30-day month:
First, calculate the total minutes in a month. There are 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in an hour, so there are 24 * 60 = 1,440 minutes in a day.
Since there are 30 days in a month, multiply the daily minutes by 30: 1,440 * 30 = 43,200 minutes.
Now, multiply the average heartbeats per minute by the total minutes in a month: 72 * 43,200 = 3,110,400 times in a 30-day month.

b) In a year:
Similarly, calculate the total minutes in a year. There are 365 days in a year (ignoring leap years for simplicity), so the total minutes in a year are 1,440 * 365 = 525,600 minutes.
Multiply the average heartbeats per minute by the total minutes in a year: 72 * 525,600 = 37,843,200 times in a year.

c) In your lifetime, if you live to 72 years of age:
Since you are assuming a lifespan of 72 years, you can multiply the answer from part b by 72:
37,843,200 * 72 = 2,722,457,600 times in a lifetime.

So, your heart will beat approximately:
a) 3,110,400 times in a 30-day month,
b) 37,843,200 times in a year,
c) 2,722,457,600 times in your lifetime if you live to 72 years of age.