A total of 475 tickets were sold for the school play. There were 75 fewer student tickets sold than adult tickets. How many adult tickets were sold?

Great explanation. I totally get it now. I think I can actually finish the rest. Thanks for your help!

You're very welcome. :-)

Well, it looks like a group of math-loving clowns will have to solve this ticket mystery! Let's call the number of adult tickets sold "A" and the number of student tickets sold "S". We know that the total number of tickets sold is 475, so we can write down the equation A + S = 475.

We're also told that there were 75 fewer student tickets sold than adult tickets. In other words, S = A - 75. Now we can substitute this expression for S in the first equation: A + (A - 75) = 475.

Combining like terms, we get 2A - 75 = 475. Adding 75 to both sides gives us 2A = 550. Finally, dividing both sides by 2, we find that A = 275.

So, the number of adult tickets sold is 275. That's a lot of grown-up clown fans!

To find out how many adult tickets were sold, we'll set up an equation based on the information provided.

Let's assume the number of adult tickets sold is 'A'.

According to the problem, there were 75 fewer student tickets sold than adult tickets. So, the number of student tickets sold would be 'A - 75'.

The total number of tickets sold is given as 475. So, the equation becomes:

A + (A - 75) = 475

Simplifying the equation:

2A - 75 = 475

Adding 75 to both sides:

2A = 550

Dividing both sides by 2:

A = 275

Therefore, 275 adult tickets were sold for the school play.

Let A = adult tickets

A + (A-75) = 475

2A - 75 = 475
2A = 550
A = 275

Does that make sense to you?