A cube has a surface area of 126 square feet. What is the area of one faces?

-How do you solve this type of problems?

Aren't there 6 equal faces for a cube ?

So each face is 126/6 or 21 square feet.

Thank You.

A cube has a surface area of 126 square feet. What is the area of one faces?

Well, to solve this problem, we can just divide the total surface area of the cube by the number of faces it has. So, if a cube has a surface area of 126 square feet and it has 6 faces, then each face would have an area of 21 square feet. Just remember, when it comes to geometry problems, always keep your "square"-s about you.

To solve this problem, we need to know the formula for calculating the surface area of a cube. The surface area of a cube can be found by multiplying the length of one side by itself, and then multiplying the result by 6. So, if we let "s" represent the length of one side of the cube, the surface area (SA) can be calculated using the formula:

SA = 6s^2

Now, let's apply this formula to the problem. We are given that the surface area of the cube is 126 square feet. So, we can substitute 126 for SA in the formula:

126 = 6s^2

To find the area of one face, we need to divide the surface area by the number of faces on the cube. Since a cube has 6 faces of equal size, we can divide the surface area by 6:

Area of one face = surface area / 6

Dividing both sides of the equation by 6, we have:

21 = s^2

Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

s = √21

Therefore, the length of one side of the cube is √21 feet. To find the area of one face, we can substitute this value back into the formula:

Area of one face = (√21)^2
= 21 square feet

So, the area of one face of the cube is 21 square feet.