

-10x - 25 - 4x = 59
-14x - 25 = 59
-14x = 59 + 25
-14x = 84
x = -6

Combine terms to get

-14x -25 = 59
which can be rewritten
-14x = 84
One more step. I am sure you can finish it.

To solve the equation -5(2x+5) - 4x = 59, we need to simplify and isolate the variable x.

Let's start by distributing the -5 to the terms inside the parentheses:

-5 * 2x = -10x
-5 * 5 = -25

Our equation becomes:

-10x - 25 - 4x = 59

Next, we need to combine like terms by adding the x terms and the constant terms separately:

(-10x) + (-4x) = -14x
(-25) = -25

The equation now becomes:

-14x - 25 = 59

To isolate x, we can move the constant term to the other side of the equation by adding 25 to both sides:

-14x - 25 + 25 = 59 + 25
-14x = 84

Finally, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by -14:

(-14x) / (-14) = 84 / (-14)
x = -6

So the solution to the equation -5(2x+5) - 4x = 59 is x = -6.