In the sentence "The Bethrothal Letter formally announced the engagement" is announced a

(a)action verb (mental)
(b)linking verb
(c)action verb (physical)

What do you think?

Is it a linking verb?

Does announced mean the same (or almost the same) as were or was?

No. So it is not a linking verb.

Then it must be an action verb mental.Right?

I think it's physical because you can see the announcement in the letter.

Also -- please don't change your name with each post. It's confusing to see one name ask a question and another name respond.


To determine whether "announced" in the given sentence is an action verb (mental), a linking verb, or an action verb (physical), we need to understand the different types of verbs and their roles in a sentence.

(a) Action verb (mental): These verbs depict mental actions or activities that cannot be physically observed. Examples include verbs like think, believe, understand, or announce (when used to indicate a mental decision or intention). Mental action verbs reveal what is happening or being thought in someone's mind.

(b) Linking verb: These verbs connect or link the subject of a sentence with its subject complement. They do not show any action but rather describe or rename the subject. Common linking verbs include be, seem, appear, become, or feel.

(c) Action verb (physical): These verbs represent visible or physical actions, meaning they can be seen or directly observed. Physical action verbs describe activities that involve body movement or tangible action.

Considering the options provided:
(a) Action verb (mental): If "announced" in the sentence were indicating a mental decision or intention to announce, then it would be classified as an action verb (mental).
(b) Linking verb: If "announced" were connecting the subject to its subject complement without expressing any physical action, then it would be classified as a linking verb.
(c) Action verb (physical): If "announced" pertains to a visible or physical action, such as someone physically making an announcement, it would be classified as an action verb (physical).

Now, let's analyze the sentence: "The Bethrothal Letter formally announced the engagement."

In this context, "announced" is being used to describe how the Bethrothal Letter made the engagement known. It suggests that the letter physically conveyed the announcement. Therefore, "announced" is functioning as an action verb (physical) in this sentence.

Therefore, the answer is:
(c) Action verb (physical)