1) When you hear that someone has been conditioned, what is being expressed is that he/she is doing something

a. compulsively
b. obsessively
c. by over-learning information
d. by habit or almost automatically

My answer was c but this was wrong. I am very confused with this question.

2) Before a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus will elicit

a. an unconditioned response
b. a conditioned response
c. a conditioned stimulus
d. No response

My answer was a but this was wrong. Is the correct answer b?

Here in Texas, we condition our horses to not jump when a gun is shot. We do that by practice. Once conditioned, the horses stand still when the gun goes off.

If a response is neutral, it elicits no response.

1) When someone has been conditioned, it means that they are doing something by habit or almost automatically. Conditioning refers to the process of learning and forming associations between a stimulus and a response. In this case, the person has developed a habitual or automatic response to a certain stimulus.

To better understand the explanation for this question, let's break down the answer choices:

a. Compulsively: It refers to doing something repeatedly and uncontrollably, often driven by an inner urge or compulsion. Conditioning does not necessarily imply a compulsive behavior.

b. Obsessively: It refers to being preoccupied or fixated on something to an excessive extent. While conditioning can involve repetitive actions, it does not necessarily imply obsessive behavior.

c. By over-learning information: This refers to acquiring knowledge or skills through extensive repetition and practice. While over-learning can enhance the effectiveness of conditioning, it does not capture the full meaning of conditioned behavior.

d. By habit or almost automatically: This choice is the correct answer. Conditioning involves forming habits or automatic responses to stimuli. It means that the person performs the behavior without conscious effort or deliberation.

2) Before a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus will elicit no response. In classical conditioning, the neutral stimulus initially does not evoke any particular response because it lacks any inherent meaning or significance.

To clarify the answer choices:

a. An unconditioned response: An unconditioned response is an instinctive or natural response that occurs without any prior learning. Since the neutral stimulus has not been associated with any specific response, it cannot elicit an unconditioned response.

b. A conditioned response: This answer choice is incorrect. Before the neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus, it cannot elicit any conditioned response because it has not yet acquired the necessary association.

c. A conditioned stimulus: A conditioned stimulus (CS) is a neutral stimulus that, through repeated pairings with an unconditioned stimulus (US), acquires the ability to elicit a conditioned response. Before the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus, it does not elicit any response.

d. No response: This is the correct answer. The neutral stimulus, in its initial state before conditioning, does not elicit any noticeable or specific response.

In summary, the correct answers are:

1) d. by habit or almost automatically.
2) d. No response.