Is there anywhere to which I can go that computes your GPA for you?

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If you're computing straight GPA, then it's just an average -- like this:
89+90+95+78+87 รท 5 = 87.8

But if you're also having to weight the grades by units taken or AP courses, it'll be more complicated.

Something in here may help, too.

Yes, there are several websites and online GPA calculators that can compute your GPA for you. These tools are especially helpful for students who want to keep track of their grades and calculate their GPA accurately. To find websites or online calculators for computing your GPA, you can follow these steps:

1. Search on a search engine: Go to a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo and enter keywords like "online GPA calculator" or "calculate GPA online."
2. Explore search results: Look through the search results and click on websites that offer GPA calculating services or online GPA calculators. Some top results may include popular educational websites, student resource sites, or university websites.
3. Check user ratings and reviews: Take note of the user ratings and reviews for these websites or calculators to gauge their reliability and accuracy.
4. Choose a reputable website or calculator: Select a website or online calculator that is well-regarded, has positive user reviews, and offers features that meet your needs.
5. Input your grades and credits: Most online GPA calculators will ask you to input your course grades and credit hours for each course you have taken.
6. Calculate your GPA: After entering your grade and credit information, the calculator will compute your GPA based on the grading scale and credit system being used.
7. Review the results: The calculator will display your calculated GPA, taking into account your grades and credits for each course.
8. Consider additional features: Some GPA calculators may provide additional features like GPA prediction, cumulative GPA calculation, or scenario planning.
9. Repeat the process as needed: If you are enrolled in multiple semesters or sessions, you can calculate individual GPAs for each term using the online calculator.

Remember that official GPA calculations may differ slightly among institutions, so it's always good to consult with your academic advisor or refer to your school's official grading policies for precise GPA calculations.