The value of an uncirculated Mint state 65' 1950 Jefferson nickel minted in Denver is 7 over 4 the value a 1945 nickel minted in Philadelphia in simiar condition. Together the total vale of the two coins is $88. What is the value of each coin

Let P be the value of the philadelphia nickel and D be the value of the Denver nicek.

P + D = 88
D = 1.75 P
Substitute 1.75P for D in the first equation.

2.75 P = 88
Solve for P; then D.

To find the value of each coin, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's represent the value of the 1950 Jefferson nickel minted in Denver as "x" and the value of the 1945 nickel minted in Philadelphia as "y".

From the information given, we can form two equations:

1) The value of the 1950 Jefferson nickel is 7/4 times the value of the 1945 nickel:
x = (7/4) * y

2) The total value of the two coins is $88:
x + y = 88

Now, we can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y.

From equation 1, we can rewrite it as:
y = (4/7) * x

Substituting this into equation 2, we have:
x + (4/7) * x = 88

Combining like terms:
(11/7) * x = 88

Now, let's solve for x:
x = (7/11) * 88
x = 7 * 8
x = 56

So, the value of the 1950 Jefferson nickel minted in Denver is $56.

To find the value of the 1945 nickel minted in Philadelphia, we can substitute the value of x into equation 1:
y = (4/7) * 56
y = 4 * 8
y = 32

Therefore, the value of the 1945 nickel minted in Philadelphia is $32.