How do you find Standard Form for the problem: m=-3; b=2?


oops, that is slope intercept form

Standard form is 3x+y=2

To find the standard form of a linear equation, which is typically in the form of Ax + By = C, you will need to rearrange the given equation using the given values of m (slope) and b (y-intercept).

In this case, you have m = -3 and b = 2. The equation in slope-intercept form is y = mx + b, so you can substitute the given values to get y = -3x + 2.

Now to convert it to standard form, you want to move all the variables and constants to one side of the equation. So, let's start by moving -3x to the left side:

3x + y = 2.

Lastly, you want the coefficient of x (A) to be positive, so you can multiply the entire equation by -1 to achieve that:

-3x - y = -2.

Now the equation is in standard form: -3x - y = -2, where A = -3, B = -1, and C = -2.