Which sentence has 2 adverbs?

She quickly ran across the bridge.


He finished the paint job very efficiently.

Which one do you think?

I'm not sure. She quickly ran across the bridge. How did she run? quickly

Where did she run? across the bridge - but isn't across a preposition?

Yes. Your thinking is good. Across is a preposition, so that sentence has only one adverb.

What about the other sentence?

Jim finished the paint job very efficiently.

I thought very and efficiently were adverbs but I am really not sure at all.

You're right. Both very and efficiently are adverbs.

One way to check is to look them up in a dictionary, noting especially their part of speech and how they're used.

The sentence "He finished the paint job very efficiently." has two adverbs.

To identify the adverbs in a sentence, we can ask ourselves questions like "how?" or "to what extent?" about the verbs or adjectives in the sentence. In the first sentence, "quickly" answers the question "how?" about the verb "ran," so it is an adverb. In the second sentence, "very" answers the question "to what extent?" about the adverb "efficiently," so it is also an adverb.