how can they be compared

so far i have
they both can be stored
stm can contain info from ltm to work on
and stm enters ltm.. what else could I possibly say?

What about speed of retrival and speed of updating?

isn't that more line a difference. like what do they both do?

Comparing two things involves finding similarities and differences between them. Based on what you have mentioned about short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), here are a few additional points you could consider to further compare them:

1. Capacity: STM has a limited capacity, typically holding only a small amount of information for a brief duration (around 7 ± 2 items), whereas LTM has an enormous capacity for storing information over an extended period.

2. Duration: STM has a limited duration, usually lasting for about 15-30 seconds unless it is rehearsed or transferred to LTM, whereas LTM can potentially retain information for a lifetime.

3. Encoding: STM usually encodes information acoustically or semantically, whereas LTM encodes information in a semantic format, forming associations and connections with existing knowledge.

4. Retrieval: Information stored in STM is more easily and quickly accessible than information stored in LTM. In STM, retrieval is often immediate, while in LTM, it might require more effort and cues to recall information.

5. Forgetting: STM is more susceptible to forgetting due to its limited capacity and duration, whereas LTM has a more enduring nature and is less prone to forgetting.

6. Types of Information: STM primarily stores and processes temporary information needed for immediate tasks, such as phone numbers or a shopping list, while LTM retains vast and diverse knowledge, including personal experiences, concepts, facts, and skills.

By considering these additional factors, you can provide a comprehensive comparison between STM and LTM, highlighting their similarities and differences in terms of capacity, duration, encoding, retrieval, forgetting, and the types of information they store.