You want to estimate 5.25-3.3

why would using front-end estimation tell you more about the answer than rounding?

3.3 is about 3.25, so I would estimate 2.

you want to estimate 5.25-3.3. why would using front-end estimation and adjusting tell you more about the answer than rounding?

Front-end estimation and rounding are both methods used to approximate numbers. However, front-end estimation can provide more information about the answer compared to rounding.

When using front-end estimation, you focus only on the digits at the front end of each number, disregarding the remaining digits. In the case of 5.25-3.3, you would look at the digits 5 and 3. This means you estimate the difference as 5-3 = 2.

On the other hand, rounding involves determining the nearest whole number or a specific decimal place value. For example, if you round 5.25 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 5. When you round 3.3, it remains unchanged. Now, if you subtract the rounded numbers (5 - 3), you find an estimated difference of 2.

The key difference between front-end estimation and rounding is that front-end estimation focuses only on the initial digits, providing a rough estimate of the difference. Rounding, however, considers the entire number but provides a less precise approximation.

In summary, using front-end estimation can give you a better understanding of the answer because it considers the structure of the numbers and provides a rough estimation of the difference, whereas rounding only provides an approximation based on whole numbers or specific decimal places.