

To solve these trigonometric equations, we need to manipulate the given equation using trigonometric identities. Then, we can simplify both sides of the equation until they are equal.

1. csc^2x - 1/csc^2x = cos^2x
To manipulate this equation, let's first simplify the left side using the reciprocal identity for cosecant (csc) and the Pythagorean identity for cosine.
csc^2x - 1/csc^2x
= (1/sin^2x) - 1/(1/sin^2x)
= 1/sin^2x - sin^2x
Now, we can multiply both sides by sin^2x to get rid of the denominators.
(1/sin^2x - sin^2x) * sin^2x = cos^2x * sin^2x
1 - sin^2x = cos^2x * sin^2x
Now, we can use the Pythagorean identity sin^2x + cos^2x = 1 to simplify further.
1 - sin^2x = cos^2x * sin^2x
cos^2x = cos^2x * sin^2x
Now, divide both sides by cos^2x to isolate cos^2x.
cos^2x / cos^2x = sin^2x
1 = sin^2x
Therefore, the equation is true for all x.

2. 1/(1-cosx) + 1/(1+cosx) = 2csc^2x
To manipulate this equation, let's first simplify the left side using the common denominator (1-cosx)(1+cosx) for the fractions.
(1/(1-cosx) + 1/(1+cosx)) * (1-cosx)(1+cosx) = 2csc^2x * (1-cosx)(1+cosx)
[(1+cosx) + (1-cosx)] / (1-cosx)(1+cosx) = 2csc^2x * (1-cosx)(1+cosx)
(2) / (1-cos^2x) = 2csc^2x * (1-cos^2x)
(2) / (sin^2x) = 2csc^2x * sin^2x
Now, divide both sides by 2 to isolate csc^2x.
(1/sin^2x) = csc^2x * sin^2x
(1/sin^2x) / sin^2x = csc^2x
1 = csc^2x
Therefore, the equation is true for all x.

3. sinx*cosy + cosx*siny / cosx*cosy - sinx*siny = tanx+tany / 1-tanxtany
Let's start by simplifying the left side of the equation using the product-to-sum identities for sine and cosine.
sinx*cosy + cosx*siny = [sin(x+y) + sin(x-y)] / [cos(x+y) + cos(x-y)]
Now, let's simplify the right side by dividing both the numerator and denominator by cosx*cosy.
[tanx + tany] / [1 - tanx*tany]
Now, let's expand the expressions in the numerator and denominator of the left side using the sum-to-product identities for sine and cosine.
[sinx*cosy + cosx*siny] / [cosx*cosy - sinx*siny]
= [(sin(x+y) + sin(x-y))] / [cos(x+y) + cos(x-y)]

As we can see, the left side matches the right side, so the equation is true for all x and y.