I have to write a essay explain a crisis and having a hard time thing of one that would be full of information. so i need a topic.

Check this site on the Cuban Missile Crisis


When selecting a topic for your essay on a crisis, it's important to find one that offers a wealth of information and engages the reader. Here are a few suggestions:

1. The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Explore the causes, consequences, and global response to one of the most significant humanitarian crises of our time. You can discuss the reasons behind the crisis, its impact on the countries involved, and the challenges faced in hosting and resettling refugees.

To research this topic, you can start by looking for reputable news outlets, international organizations (such as the United Nations or Red Cross), academic articles, and books on the subject.

2. The Global Financial Crisis of 2008: This topic allows you to delve into the causes and impacts of the economic downturn that had global ramifications. You can examine the role of subprime mortgages, systemic risks in the financial sector, government responses, and the subsequent effects on jobs, housing, and the stock market.

To research this topic, consider using scholarly journals, economic publications, government reports, and books written by economists or financial experts.

3. The Climate Crisis: Investigate the current climate crisis, including its causes, potential consequences, and efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. You can discuss the scientific consensus, global agreements like the Paris Agreement, the role of governments and industry, and the impact on ecosystems and vulnerable communities.

To research this topic, consult scientific reports from reputable sources such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scientific journals, environmental organizations, and government websites.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources for credibility and accuracy. By choosing a crisis that has abundant information available, you'll have the resources necessary to write a comprehensive and engaging essay.