Combination of coins that can be used;

fifty-cent piece, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies

Q: My 3 types of coins total 37 cents. I have fewer than 4, but more than 1, of each coin. What are the coins?

What is wrong with a quarter, dime, and two pennies?

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To find the combination of coins that totals 37 cents, we can start by listing all the possible combinations of coins that fit the given conditions.

Since we need to have fewer than 4 but more than 1 of each coin, we can eliminate the possibility of having only nickels or only dimes, as these coins alone would already exceed 37 cents.

Let's systematically go through the remaining possibilities:

1. Start with the assumption of having one fifty-cent piece:
- Since there can't be more than one fifty-cent piece, the remaining 37 cents must come from other coins.
- The remaining 37 cents can be made up of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
- We need to find combinations of these coins that add up to 37 cents, while also adhering to the given conditions.

2. Without the fifty-cent piece:
- In this case, we need the remaining 37 cents to be made up entirely of coins other than the fifty-cent piece.
- The remaining coins available are quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
- Again, we need to find combinations of these coins that add up to 37 cents and satisfy the given conditions.

By systematically going through these possibilities, we can find the combinations that fit the given conditions.