t=2 160t-32t squared

If t=2, then the answer you seek is

160*2 - 32*(2)^2

If t = 2 then:

160 (2) - 32 (2)^2
320 - 128 = 192

192 is your answer, forgive me if I misunderstood the question as there is little detail in it.

thanks for the help everyone

2a 2 to the second power(6a-4)

If you want to simplify the expression 2a(2^2)(6a-4), you can follow these steps:

1. First, evaluate 2^2, which is 2 multiplied by itself: 2^2 = 2 * 2 = 4.
2. Now substitute the value of 4 into the expression: 2a * 4 * (6a-4).
3. Multiply the numbers: 2 * 4 = 8.
4. Distribute 8 into the parentheses: 8 * (6a-4).

So the simplified expression becomes 8(6a-4), or 48a - 32.