ive calculated the amount of change for an enzyme controlled reaction as 1.5625 x 10^-8 mol.min-1 and ive been asked to find the activity of the enzyme in micromoles product formed per min per mg of enzyme how do i do this

i have 10 micro litres of a 5mg ml -1 of the enzyme ???

Any help/explanation would be appreciated !!!

Thank you

To find the activity of the enzyme in micromoles product formed per minute per milligram of enzyme, you need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Convert the volume of the enzyme solution from microliters (μL) to liters (L).
- Given that you have 10 μL of the enzyme solution, you need to convert it to liters. There are 1,000,000 μL in a liter, so the conversion would be:
Volume (in L) = Volume (in μL) / 1,000,000

Step 2: Calculate the moles of the product formed per minute.
- The given value is the amount of change for the reaction (1.5625 x 10^-8 mol.min-1), which represents the moles of product formed per minute.

Step 3: Calculate the moles of product formed per minute per liter of enzyme solution.
- Divide the moles of product formed per minute by the volume of the enzyme solution in liters. This will give you the moles of product formed per minute per liter:
Moles per minute per liter = Moles per minute / Volume (in L)

Step 4: Convert the moles of product formed per minute per liter to micromoles.
- Since the question asks for the activity in micromoles, multiply the moles per minute per liter by 1,000,000:
Micromoles per minute per liter = Moles per minute per liter * 1,000,000

Step 5: Calculate the activity per milligram of enzyme.
- Given that you have a 5 mg/ml solution of the enzyme, you need to calculate the number of milligrams of enzyme in the 10 μL solution.
- Multiply the concentration (5 mg/ml) by the volume of the enzyme solution in milliliters (10 μL / 1000).
Milligrams of enzyme = Concentration (mg/ml) * Volume (in ml)

Step 6: Finally, divide the micromoles per minute per liter by the milligrams of enzyme to get the activity.
Activity = Micromoles per minute per liter / Milligrams of enzyme

By following these steps, you should be able to calculate the activity of the enzyme in micromoles product formed per minute per milligram of enzyme.