Is there a method of determining if you debit or credit an account? How do you know if you should debit or credit a transaction?

If it's a balance sheet accout you need to learn (and mrmorize) which side of the equation i't on, and it's normal balance. Assets normally have debit balances, Liability and equity accounts normally have credit balances. The normal balance is the kind of entry that will increase the account. The temporary accounts, i.e. expense and revenue accounts need to be learned too.
As for a method, it's only familiarity with them that will help. Just keep practicing making journal entries and preparing statements.

Determining whether to debit or credit an account in accounting requires an understanding of the types of accounts and their normal balances.

1. Understand the types of accounts: Accounts in accounting can be categorized into two main types: balance sheet accounts and income statement accounts. Balance sheet accounts include assets, liabilities, and equity, while income statement accounts include revenue and expenses.

2. Know the normal balance: Each type of account has a normal balance associated with it. The normal balance is the side of the accounting equation where the account increases. For example, assets typically have debit balances, while liabilities and equity accounts usually have credit balances. Revenue accounts have credit balances, while expense accounts have debit balances.

3. Memorize the normal balances: To determine whether to debit or credit an account, it is helpful to memorize the normal balance for each type of account. This will give you a general idea of whether the account should be increased or decreased based on the transaction.

4. Practice and familiarity: The more you practice making journal entries and preparing financial statements, the more familiar you will become with the accounts and their normal balances. Over time, you will start to develop an intuition for when to debit or credit an account based on the specific transaction.

5. Consult with accounting resources: If you are unsure about the correct debiting or crediting of an account, consult accounting textbooks, online resources, or seek guidance from experienced accountants. There are also general rules and principles outlined in accounting standards that can guide you in making accurate entries.

Remember, gaining proficiency in determining whether to debit or credit an account takes time and practice. With regular exposure to different accounting transactions and accounts, you will gradually become more comfortable in applying the proper debits and credits.