A football field is 130 yards long and 70 yards wide. If sod costs $0.80 per square foot to lay, how much will the owners have to pay for sodding the entire field?

To find out how much the owners will have to pay for sodding the entire field, we need to calculate the area of the field and then multiply it by the cost of sod per square foot.

First, let's convert the dimensions of the field from yards to feet. We know that 1 yard is equal to 3 feet, so the length of the field becomes (130 * 3) feet and the width becomes (70 * 3) feet.

Length of field = 130 yards * 3 feet/yard = 390 feet
Width of field = 70 yards * 3 feet/yard = 210 feet

Next, we calculate the area of the field by multiplying the length and width:

Area of field = Length * Width = 390 feet * 210 feet

Now, we can convert the area from square feet to square yards. Since 1 square yard is equal to 9 square feet, we divide the area by 9:

Area of field (in square yards) = (390 feet * 210 feet) / 9 square feet/square yard

Finally, we multiply the area of the field by the cost of sod per square foot:

Total cost = Area of field (in square yards) * Cost of sod per square foot

By plugging in the values, we can find the total cost of sodding the entire field.