1. What percent of 120 is 48? 57.6%?

2. collect like terms. 17T + T + 15/13T= 249/13T?

3. solve using the principles together. 3x-6=12 i am solving for x=6?

4. solve using the addition principle. -37+n=19 i am solving for n= -18?

5. solve using the multiplication principle. -9x=162 solving for x= -18?

1. To find the percentage of a number, you can use the formula:

(percentage / 100) x number = desired value

In this case, we want to find what percentage 48 is of 120. Let's plug in the values:

(percentage / 100) x 120 = 48

To solve for the percentage, divide both sides of the equation by 120:

(percentage / 100) = 48 / 120

Simplify the fraction:

(percentage / 100) = 2 / 5

Now, we can cross multiply and solve for the percentage:

5 x percentage = 2 x 100

5 x percentage = 200

Divide both sides of the equation by 5:

percentage = 200 / 5

percentage = 40

Therefore, 48 is 40% of 120, not 57.6%.

2. To collect like terms in an equation, you need to combine the terms that have the same variable and exponent.

In the given equation, we have:

17T + T + (15/13)T = (249/13)T

To combine the terms, add up the coefficients of the like terms:

17T + T + (15/13)T = (249/13)T

(17 + 1 + 15/13)T = (249/13)T

To simplify further, find a common denominator for 17 and 13:

(17 + 1 + (15/13))T = (249/13)T

(221/13)T = (249/13)T

The variables and exponents are the same on both sides of the equation, so we can cancel them out:

221/13 = 249/13

Since the fractions on both sides of the equation are equal, you can conclude that the equation is an identity. Therefore, the statement that 17T + T + (15/13)T = (249/13)T is true.

3. To solve the equation 3x - 6 = 12 for x using the principles together, you need to isolate the variable x by adding or subtracting the same values to both sides of the equation.

Given equation: 3x - 6 = 12

First, add 6 to both sides of the equation to remove the constant term on the left side:

3x - 6 + 6 = 12 + 6


3x = 18

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x:

(3x) / 3 = 18 / 3


x = 6

Therefore, x = 6 is the solution to the equation.

4. To solve the equation -37 + n = 19 using the addition principle, you need to isolate the variable n by adding or subtracting the same values to both sides of the equation.

Given equation: -37 + n = 19

First, add 37 to both sides of the equation to remove the constant term on the left side:

(-37 + n) + 37 = 19 + 37


n = 56

Therefore, n = -18 is not the correct solution. The correct solution is n = 56.

5. To solve the equation -9x = 162 using the multiplication principle, you need to isolate the variable x by multiplying or dividing both sides of the equation by the same non-zero value.

Given equation: -9x = 162

First, divide both sides of the equation by -9 to solve for x:

(-9x) / (-9) = 162 / (-9)


x = -18

Therefore, x = -18 is the correct solution to the equation.