A bacteria culture starts with 260 bacteria and grows at a rate proportional to its size. After 4 hours there will be 1040 bacteria.

(a) Express the population after t hours as a function of t.

this is what i put as my answer but i guess its not right do i replace the four with t??


The population apparently doubles in 2 hours.

P = 260 * 2^(t/2) is a simpler way to write it.

Note that e^(t ln4/4)= [e^(ln4)]^(t/4)
= 4^(t/4)= [2^2]^(t/4) = 2^(t/2)

Your version is apparently correct, but needs to be simplified

To express the population after t hours as a function of t, we can use the formula for exponential growth. Let's denote P(t) as the population after t hours.

The problem states that the growth rate is proportional to the size, so we can use the general form of exponential growth: P(t) = P(0)e^(kt), where P(0) is the initial population and k is the growth rate constant.

Given that P(0) = 260 and P(4) = 1040, we can substitute these values into the equation:

1040 = 260e^(k*4)

To solve for k, we can divide both sides by 260 and take the natural logarithm (ln):

4 = ln(e^(k*4))

4 = 4k ln(e)

Since ln(e) = 1, we have:

4k = 4

Dividing by 4:

k = 1

Now that we know k, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the population as a function of t:

P(t) = 260e^(kt)
P(t) = 260e^(1t)
P(t) = 260e^t

Therefore, the population after t hours is given by the function P(t) = 260e^t.

To express the population after t hours as a function of t, let's first set up the model for exponential growth. We know that the growth rate is proportional to the current population and that after 4 hours there will be 1040 bacteria.

Let P(t) represent the population at time t. According to the given information, we can set up the following differential equation:

dP/dt = kP(t)

Where k is the constant of proportionality.

To solve this differential equation, we need an initial condition. Since initially there are 260 bacteria, we have P(0) = 260.

Now we can solve the differential equation:

dP/P = k dt
∫dP/P = ∫k dt
ln(P) = kt + C1
P = e^(kt + C1)
P = e^(kt) * e^(C1)
P = C * e^(kt)

Using the initial condition (P(0) = 260), we can solve for the constant C:

260 = C * e^(k * 0)
260 = C

So our function becomes:

P(t) = 260 * e^(kt)

Now, to find the value of k, we can use the information given that after 4 hours there will be 1040 bacteria:

1040 = 260 * e^(k * 4)
4 = e^(4k)
ln(4) = 4k
k = ln(4)/4

Finally, substituting this value into our equation:

P(t) = 260 * e^((ln(4)/4) * t)

And that is the expression for the population after t hours.