solve the linear equation

-10.8x + 1.4 = -47.6 - 1.0x

Use the discriminant to determine how many real-number solutions the equation has.

v^2 - 7v + 5 = 0

jessica, bring the x terms together and the simple numbers together, then you can just divide across:

-10.8x + 1.4 = -47.6 - 1.0x

-10.8x + 1.0x = -47.6 - 1.4

-9.8x = -49

x = -49/-9.8

Check my arithmetic, and finish from there.

chandice, it's better to post a new message when you have a new question.

Anyway, the discriminant of a quadratic is b^2-4ac, the bit inside the square root sign of the quadratic formula.

In this case:

which is greater than zero. What does that tell you about the roots?

how many real-number solutions does the equation have?

To solve the linear equation -10.8x + 1.4 = -47.6 - 1.0x, we need to simplify and rearrange the equation to isolate the variable "x" on one side.

Step 1: Distribute the -1.0x to the terms on the right side:
-10.8x + 1.4 = -47.6 - 1.0x
-10.8x + 1.4 = -47.6 + (-1.0x)
-10.8x + 1.4 = -47.6 - 1.0x

Step 2: Combine like terms on the right side:
-10.8x + 1.4 = -47.6 - x

Step 3: Move all terms containing "x" to the left side and constant terms to the right side:
-10.8x + x = -47.6 - 1.4
-10.8x + x = -48.6

Step 4: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
-9.8x = -48.6

Step 5: To isolate the variable "x", divide both sides of the equation by -9.8:
x = -48.6 / -9.8

Step 6: Simplify the division:
x = 4.96

So, the solution to the linear equation is x = 4.96.